Write your Goals Down!

    I am sure, I am not the first one to tell you this.  Yet,  I truly believe there is a power to writing down goals.  How you choose to write them down, will be completely up to you.  Maybe it’s a notebook, perhaps it’s on the computer, either way write it down. By … [Read more…]

Christmas is 2 days away!

Hopefully everyone is done writing Santa Letters, but if not here is a great way to make sure Santa gets his letter on time.  Since everyone uses so much technology.  Did you know you can email Santa letters directly from the Macy’s webpage?  Not only will Santa get your letter on time, but also Macy’s … [Read more…]

Winter Break

Winter Break is upon us and that means busy roads and busy malls.  The holidays sometimes are a bit stressful, but it is up to us to how we choose to react with these situations.  We are inundated with media and the need to move fast.  During this holiday season remember to slow down, stop … [Read more…]