Write your Goals Down!


Journal and Pen


I am sure, I am not the first one to tell you this.  Yet,  I truly believe there is a power to writing down goals.  How you choose to write them down, will be completely up to you.  Maybe it’s a notebook, perhaps it’s on the computer, either way write it down.

By nature I am a list maker; I write down the grocery list, the packing list, the to-do list.  I have written down so many lists, but just recently have changed to keeping all the lists contained in my writing journal.  This was difficult for the OCD part of my brain.  To be totally honest, this almost caused me to list why this was not okay.  Yet, I convinced my brain and negotiated adding removable post-its to show the different lists in the journal.  In the journal, I have  a goal section, a podcast section, home section and a brain dump section.  After watching some financial videos on Ted-Talks I also created a financial section.

Okay, so back to why writing things down is important.  As a result of  cleaning some boxes, I came across some lists, it must of been from my undergraduate time at UCSB.  In the lists I found one listing the things I should accomplish in my next 20 years.  After reading the list, I must say I was pretty realistic with the timeline I gave myself.  Therefore, this is a good thing or else I might have been disappointed in myself.  The list included have a family and work in a place where I can help others. I have to admit I felt good to be crushing those two goals.  Then, the next line states take a trip for a week to a foreign country.

This brought a smile, because friend and I have been planning a big trip this year.  So the only thing I san say now I begin writing things down.  However you choose to write it down, but start.

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